Welcome to Friendly Amateur Radio Mission Net

Welcome FARM Net members and FARM Net visitors to the FARM Net web site. For those visitors who are new to amateur radio, or wondering about amateur radio, the FARM Net is a group of amateur radio operators, also known as ‘hams,’ who gather each day to check into the FARM Net using their amateur radio equipment. The FARM Net members use the FARM Net as a way to stay in touch with other, like-minded hams, to make sure their equipment is still operating properly, and to have discussions on a wide range of topics. There is great satisfaction gained when the equipment that the ham has put together into a working amateur radio station is able to transmit their communication to other hams to hear on the other hams’ amateur radio stations. If you are also an amateur radio operator, check into the FARM Net sometime to see what it is the FARM Net members do, and who the FARM Net members are. See you on the air! 73.

The FARM Net manager for 2025 is Shawnne, KF0AUW. Click here to contact Shawnne with any Net concerns or comments.

Upcoming Events

Idaho QSO Party March 8, 2025 – March 9, 2025

The annual Idaho QSO Party Spud Run will be held this year on the
weekend of March 8 and 9.  Please mark your calendar for this fun annual event.  All the information you need to participate can be found at
OK, that is the official announcement as it was provided to this editor. Now for the hook – Calling ALL Spud Runners! If you’re up for another year of the most significant amateur radio event to tickle your receivers, warm up those finals and contact as many Idaho hams as you can in the 2025 Idaho Spud Run. Check out the news on the Idaho QSO Party website and you will notice that additional points are being given for contacts in those Idaho counties that have not been activated in recent Idaho QSO parties. All the details are found on the Idaho QSO Party website. Too bad there isn’t a Yaesu MP (Mashed Potatoes) multiplier, but if any Idaho QSO party organizers are reading this, maybe this is a possibility in the future?

(If you would like to list your amateur radio related event here, send the event details with the request to netmanager@farmnetweb.net or admin@farmnetweb.net)

Did You Know?

If you have ever wondered if the Net Control Station heard when you checked into the Net on a night when Mother Nature was withholding propagation, you should be aware of a web page maintained by FARM Net members Jerry, KF0AUV and Shawnne, KF0AUW. Not only can a FARM Net member see if they were counted on such a night in question, but other check-in statistics are available as well. Visit https://farmnet.uppermw.com to see if you’re meeting the requirement to check into the FARM Net at least 5 times in a calendar month to remain on the roll. Another feature of this web page is visitors wishing to be added to the roster can check to see if they have the 5 check-ins in a 30-day period needed to be added to the FARM Net roster. Send an e-mail to the FARM Net Manager if you need to be excused from the check-in requirement for a Net member, or you are a Net visitor desiring to be added to FARM Net roster once you have met the check-in requirement for addition to the roster. 73!

About the FARM Net

The FARM Net began in the summer of 1945 and has about 200 members at this time. Many FARM Net members have been checking into the Net for more than forty years. A few have been checking into the Net while continuously on the roster for more than forty years!

The FARM Net began operating as an ARRL National Traffic System net and remained a traffic net until recently. Currently, the FARM Net is a general interest net that allows the members to set the topics they would like to discuss during a net session.

The FARM Net is open to all amateur radio operators who have a FCC General Class or higher license. Amateurs outside the United States are also welcome provided their license class allows lower side band operation on 80 meters (75 meters for the OT’s) where the FARM Net meets. Any amateur wishing to join the FARM Net roll must check into the net 5 times in a 30-day period. To remain on the roll, a member station must check into the net at least 5 times in a calendar month unless excused by the FARM Net manager from that requirement.