The FARM Net was the brainchild of W7DTB and W7FST, and first started in the summer of 1945. Originally, the FARM Net was known as the Intermountain Net, or IMN. IMN was not a popular name for the new net with the founding members apparently. While voicing his frustration at not being able to think of a better net name, the wife of W7DTB asked him, “Why don’t you call it the farm net?” W7DTB liked the name and soon came up with Friendly Amateur Radio Mission Net.
The FARM Net was started with the purpose of being a traffic handling net. Until 2019, the FARM Net was part of the American Radio Relay League National Traffic System. Since 2019, the FARM Net has operated as a general interest amateur radio net with many lively discussions held on various topics as the roll is called.
Many FARM Net members have served as FARM Net Manager. Among the many members who have been on the FARM Net roster and also served as FARM Net Manager, arguably the most well-known was Father Peterson, W7RKI. Father Peterson wrote a letter on June 14, 1995, that went into the details of the FARM Net organization and operation responsibilities of the FARM Net Manager. In the letter, it was explained why Net Bylaws were voted in by Net members, and how those Bylaws evolved over the years to help keep the roster to a manageable size by requiring a minimum number of monthly check-ins and establishing a Net Manager position to help administer the Bylaws and Net Control Stations. Many of the members toward the top of the FARM Net roster still remember Father Peterson.
The FARM Net has truly lasted quite the long time with some members having checked into the Net regularly for over 50 years. Thanks to Joe, K7CBA who asked Chet, W7DTB about the origins of the FARM Net and provided that information to Jeff, AC6S for publication on the previous FARM Net web site.